It's finally feeling spring-like here (although for a few days this week, we skipped right to summer--it was almost 90 on Wednesday!) and the stores have been awash in strawberries. Hooray! I never thought I'd say it, but I was getting really tired of winter fruit. I mean, a girl can only eat so many bags of clementines before she starts turning orange, you know? This was my breakfast yesterday after almost a week of nothing but thinned out congee and soup for lunch (I'm almost back to normal now, thank goodness). Man, was it good--the strawberries are super juicy (I'm eating some right now!) and the yogurt! So good!

I came across these adorable little jars of yogurt made by the White Cow Dairy at the Murray's Cheese outpost in Grand Central Market. They are a bit spendy at $2.99 for a small jar, but I bought a jar of maple and a jar of gingerberry to try out, and I can see that I'm going to be having a very pricey yogurt habit to deal with now.

Here's a closer look of the gingerberry--it's so creamy and rich and thick and has a nice warm spiciness from the ginger. I can't find any nutritional information on these, but I am pretty sure they are not the low fat kinda yogurt. And that's okay, because this is totally going to be a dessert kind of yogurt for me. I can't wait to try out all the other flavors. Good thing the market is 5 minutes from my office.
And hey, when I'm done, the cute little jars will double to hold homemade pudding...or serve as mini vases for flowers...or to store spices...
Happy Friday!
those yogurts are adorable and look really good!
eula, they are! If you find yourself at Grand Central, look for them at Murray's :D
Thanks foor sharing
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