Sunday, May 17, 2009

Fridge cleaning time!


I woke up late this morning with every intention of cleaning up the apartment. I planned on mopping the bathroom floor and cleaning the tub. I was even planning on sweeping the living room floor and then, if I was reeeeally feeling motivated....taking the recycling out!

Well, I am a master procrastinator, so I have done none of those things (although I did clean the bathroom sink!). Instead, I have been chatting online with Jack, napping occasionally, and weighing whether I should go to the zoo, the aquarium, or shopping tomorrow. Anyway, I finally started to feel like a complete slug, so I decided that it was fridge cleaning day and THAT is how I came to make some quick and easy apple turnovers, since I unearthed both a sheet of frozen puff pastry and a slightly-past-its-prime apple in my cleaning efforts.


This is so easy that you really don't even need a recipe, but I diced up a peeled apple, sauteed it in a tablespoon of butter and brown sugar, and added some lemon zest and juice, until I was happy with the sweet vs. sourness ratio. I then let it cool while the oven preheated and cut my puff pastry sheet into 3 inch squares (one apple gave me 4 3 inch turnovers). Place a spoonful of filling on each square, fold over into a triangle, and seal. (I don't know why but my seals never hold...see above photo. Drat.) Total time? Maybe 20 minutes, including baking time.

And the result of chatting with Jack while I was making these? He made some too! Go check 'em out here!

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