So, how is 2011 treating everyone? So far, it's been pretty snowy here and now it's also freaking freezing (and unusually cold in my apartment, time to call the super AGAIN), but otherwise, it's not been a bad start. For one thing, I am sticking to my resolution to eat more veggies, and I've even managed to start packing lunch again (well, except those days where I hit the "off" button instead of "snooze" on my alarm clock). And it's a long weekend, woo! So it's a perfect opportunity to do some baking. I don't know about you, but I have this problem where every time I browse foodblogs, I end up craving pretty much everything I see. I've got a list of recipes bookmarked that could probably keep me busy for an entire year. But somehow, things like Domokun cookies seem to go straight to the top of the list. By the way, please go to Diamonds for Dessert for the original (and excellent) tutorial, because her cookies look at least 1000 times better than mine do. That's what happens when you are too lazy to actually find a ruler!

This is really the first day I've worked with making patterns in cookie dough, and I learned that yes, you really do have to measure and make everything neat and straight, or else it comes out all wonky. Oh well, for a first try, I think they are okay! Of course, the proportions are wrong and next time I'll have to make sure I make the red portion smaller. These are just gonna be extra loud-mouthed Domokuns ;)

You can also see that my piping skills leave something to be desired. Ahem. (Might try royal icing next time, white chocolate is a bit temperamental.)

But I think this one is my best one (which is not saying much, haha). Yes little Domokun...it makes me happy to look at you. Now I have to go buy some milk so I can eat a few (don't tell them!).
These are fantastic!!! Freakin adorable! I kinda like the wonky-ness.. fits for Domokun!
And yes, it is snowy and freezing in Chi-town too (lost my keys today.. ACK! and had to wait for Steve to come home.. brrr). Wish I had these cookies to warm me up! Thanks for sharing!
So cute! I don't know how domo-kun can be so scary and so adorable at the same time.
Well done.. these are adorable!
These cookies are awfully CUTE. I like it. Great job! Just curious, how did you get the red colorings? Did you use natural food colorings?
Very cute! I want to eat them all!
Wonkiness adds a certain charm to these delightful drops . Perfectly wonderful they are!
Awww! These are just too cute!
Those are adorable! I just wanna eat one right up!
Thanks Megg! :) Eep, I hope you didn't have to wait too long to get back inside. I love Chicago but man, I don't know if I could live there, just because of the winters, hehe. New York is bad enough!
Alayna, thanks :) I once saw one of those claw machines that was full of Domo-kuns and it was both unsettling (all those eyes and mouths!) and insanely cute.
Thanks Globetrotting in Tokyo! I like them too :)
Kaimono, DEFINITELY not natural food coloring! I used red gel paste colour to dye some vanilla shortbread dough (and my counter in the process too, whoops!)
Beyondkimchee, I need people to come eat these! Haha. That's the problem with baking for no reason--too many cookies!
Lynne, thanks :D They're better because they have faces!
Laura, wish I could just send some out! I guess I'll have to bring these to work so I don't eat them by myself...:)
beautiful! the red as it is done??
Hi Mauri, thanks! The red is just dough dyed with food coloring :)
hey, where's my domokun cookie??? -rickles
I ate it Rickles, sorry :D See ya Wednesday!
these are soooo cute!!! I love domokun, i can't believe i never thought of making him into cookies! I will have to make these one day, thanks for sharing!
Bakingbits, I would never have thought of it either until I saw the post at Diamonds for Dessert! That's why I love blogging, so many good ideas shared :) But I want to make a giant Domokun cake next...
Hi, jz wanna ask if u still have the recipe for the domo kun cookies from diamond for desserts as last i checked the website is down. i really need these as i promised to make them for someone dear. Thanks in advance :)
Hi Waylon--you're right, the website does seem to be down--see if this link works for you...otherwise, I was able to just google "domokun cookies" and then click on the cached version of the page and you should be able to see it. Good luck! :)
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